Puppies from Markhytten:
- Are sold with Norwegian Kennel Club’s (NKK) purchase contract.
- Are registered with NKK
- Are delivered at earliest 8 weeks old
- Are veterinary checked, vaccinated and ID chipped
- Have been treated for worms
- Have been part of our family and socialised with adults, children and other dogs
- Have driven in the car to minimise chances at the dog will be travel sick
- Have been bathed prior to collection
- We are always available for help and advice and we plan to arrange/recommend courses and training
You the puppy buyer:
- See the dog as a part of your family
- Are a hunter or have a hunter in the family
- Are prepared to invest the time and energy required to produce a functioning bird dog.
- Are interested in taking part in training, courses, hunting trials and exhibitions
- Follow up the dogs health documentation
- Hold contact with the breeders
- We take a deposit as security for both the buyer and breeder